9月28日(月) 2, 3, 4限
担当:小林由紀 (東京大学 進化認知科学研究センター)
9月28日(月) 5限
担当:伊藤たかね (東京大学 総合文化研究科)
9月29日(火) 10:00〜13:00
担当:松田剛 (東京大学 情報学環)
9月29日(火) 14:00〜17:00
担当:木村健太 (東京大学 総合文化研究科)
9月30日(水) 10:00〜13:00
担当:高橋麻理子 (東京大学 進化認知科学研究センター)
9月30日(水) 14:00〜15:30
担当:長谷川寿一 (東京大学 総合文化研究科)
11月 26日 6限 New!
担当:大嶋百合子 (マッギル大学)
講義内容:Early word learning in young children A growing body of research has shown that young infants are able to use morphosyntactic information in input to categorize new words into grammatical categories such as nouns and verbs
(Mintz, et al., 2002). Furthermore, recent research has demonstrated that children under 2 years of age
are able to use morphosyntactic cues to map new words onto their referents after only minimal
exposure to the word-event pairings without contextual or social support (Echols & Marti, 2004;
Oshima-Takane et al., 2008). However, whether young children’s representations of morphosyntactic
information are abstract enough to guide early word learning is under debate (Dittmar, et al., 2008;
Gertner et al., 2005; Gleitman, 1990; Tomasello, 2003). In this talk, I will examine this issue by
presenting two types of habituation data. From one, I will show evidence that children under 2 years
of age are able to use both noun and verb morphosyntactic cues in a word learning task in which the
novel words have more than one possible interpretation (i.e. agents or actions) and when
morphosyntactic cues are not consistent with perceptual cues. From the other, I will provide evidence
for an early capability to generalize new verbs to previously unseen instances with a new agent.
Based on these findings, I will argue that children’s representations of both noun and verb
morphosyntactic information are abstract enough to guide early word learning. However, children’s
cognitive resources such as memory, attention, etc. are still limited at early stages of language
development (Dapretto & Bjork, 2000; Werker & Fennell, 2004). Hence, young children may fail
to access their morphosyntactic knowledge when word learning tasks are too demanding and consume
too much of their cognitive resources. |