研究 2013年




言語情報科学専攻 講演会
“Agent-based models for the emergence and evolution of language”
Luc Steels(Sony Computer Science Laboratory – Paris & Institut de Biologia Evolutiva – Barcelona)(12/13)
The origins and evolution of language is currently a hot area of research. In this talk I give an overview of our own work, which takes language to be a complex adaptive system that emerges and continues to involve in situated embodied interactions. I first show how we tackle the very beginning of language, taking inspiration from the way very young children acquire their first words, and report on computer simulations and robotic experiments that show the beginning of symbolism and the acquisition of concepts and words. Next I discuss concrete scenarios on why and how more complex syntax and meaningful grammar can emerge. This requires a serious grammar model that can handle the richness and incredible sophistication of human grammar, and is also adequate with respect to language processing, language learning and evolution. I will briefly sketch the ideas behind Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG) which our team has developed for this purpose. FCG draws on insights from linguistic research in construction grammar and integrates many known techniques from computational linguistics. this purpose. FCG draws on insights from linguistic research in construction grammar and integrates many known techniques from computational linguistics.
日時:2013年12月13日(金) 16:30-18:00
Japan Evolutionary Linguistics Forum Seminar
“On the Integration Theory of Human Language Evolution”
Professor Shigeru Miyagawa, MIT (10/3)
Human language appears to be a recent evolutionary development, arising within the past 100,000 years. Focusing on the hierarchical structure that is the hallmark of human language, the Integration Theory of human language evolution hypothesizes that human language arose from the adventitious combination of two pre-existing, simpler systems that had been evolved for other functional tasks. The first system, Type E(xpression), is found in birdsong, where it marks territory, mating availability, and similar ‘expressive’ functions. The second system, Type L(exical), has been suggestively found in non-human primate calls and in honeybee waggle dances (Miyagawa, Berwick, Okanoya 2013). I will review the major components of the Integration Theory, its implications for the study of contemporary human languages, and suggestions for future research.
Time and Day : PM3:00 – 4:30, Oct 3rd, 2013
Where: Room 113, Bulding#3, Komaba I Campus, The University of Tokyo
Organized by: JELF & Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Science, The University of Tokyo.
Contact: Kazuo Okanoya (KazuoOkanoya[[[At]]]gmail.com)
Exploring the diverse aspects of interpersonal understanding (9/20)
本ワークショップでは、ボッフム大学教授でCenter for Mind, Brain & Cognitive Evolutionセンター長のAlbert Newen先生、ボッフム大学研究員のNivedita Gangopadhyay氏、ケルン大学病院教授Kai Vogeley先生(ドイツ認知科学会の次期会長)、広島大学教授で大学院教育学研究科言語と認知の脳科学プロジェクト研究センター長の酒井弘先生にご講演いただく予定です。
13:00-17:00, September 20, 2013
Building 18, Komaba I Campus, The University of Tokyo
13:00-13:15 Katsunori Miyahara (JSPS/Rikkyo University, Japan)
Welcome and Introduction
13:15-14:00 Nivedita Gangopadhyay (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany):
“Empathy, ‘other-directed’ emotion, and mindreading”
14:00-14:45 Kai Vogeley (University Hospital Cologne, Germany):
“Social cognition, psychopathology, and culture”
14:45-15:15 Coffee Break
15:15-16:00 Hiromu Sakai (Hiroshima University, Japan):
“Self-Recognition in Socio-Cultural Context: Linguistic, Behavioral, and Neurophysiological
16:00-16:45 Albert Newen (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany):
“Self-Understanding and Understanding Others”
16:45-17:00 Concluding Discussion
なお本ワークショップは国際会議Tokyo Conference on Philosophy of Psychiatry (September 20-23)のサテライトワークショップとして開催されます。
The workshop is supported by a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 24300293) “Philosophy of Psychiatry: A re-examination of the concept of mental illness” (P.I. Kohji Ishihara) and Cosponsored by the Uehiro Co-existence Research Division, the University of Tokyo Center for Philosophy and the Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences at the University of Tokyo.


日時: 平成26年3月19日(水)15:00から
会場:東京大学駒場キャンパス 数理科学研究科棟 大講義室(300名収容)
14:30 開場
15:00 開会あいさつ
15:10 「声まね能力とリズム感」
15:45 「人を動かすリズムと音楽(仮タイトル)」
16:45 「霊長類におけるリズム同調の進化」
17;20 総合討論
17:45 閉会
入場無料・参加登録不要(聴講希望者多数の場合には入場制限がかかることがあります)共催:JSPS科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B(25285198 to Y.S.)
山岸俊男 先生(東京大学 大学院 総合文化研究科 附属 進化認知科学研究センター 特任教授)
~ 平成25 年度 文化功労者顕彰 記念講演会 ~
「社会的ジレンマ」の研究で広く知られる山岸俊男先生が、このたび文化功労者として選ばれたことを記念いたしまして講演会を開催いたします。学生・教職員を問わず、どうぞ、皆様ご参集ください。日時:平成26 年2 月8 日土曜日 16 時より
場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18 号館ホール
“Learning to speciate: the role of learned mate preferences in adaptive radiation ”
Dr. Tucker Gilman, Faculty of Life Sciences,University of Manchester
In nature, mate preferences can be genetic or learned. Whether and how mate preferences are learned can affect trait evolution, population divergence, and speciation. Ecological speciation is speciation that occurs due to disruptive selection without geographic isolation. Although ecological speciation was described by Darwin, whether it occurs in nature was long debated. Recently, a number of mathematical models have argued that ecological speciation is indeed plausible. This has been supported by increasing empirical evidence that speciation sometimes occurs without complete geographic isolation. As a result, ecological speciation has become widely accepted. I will use a novel computational model to show that strictly genetic mate preferences are unlikely to lead to the patterns of ecological speciation that we see in nature. However, some forms of learned mate preference can allow ecological speciation. Clades that show these forms of learned mate preference may be able to speciate rapidly and repeatedly. I hypothesise that learned mate preferences may be a prerequisite for adaptive radiation.日時 2014年1月9日17時から
場所 3号館113室